You paid for the weed and it came with seeds…might as well put those seeds to good use, right?
If you’ve done any research on the subject, you’ve no doubt seen countless warnings against using bag seed.
“It won’t work.” they say. “Don’t waste your time.” they tell you. Etc.
Are they on to something?
Yes. But also no.
You can grow some great plants with bagseed. Plants that yield amazing weed.
But it won’t happen every time. Most of the time you’ll end up with an average plant. Assuming you don’t end up with a male.
So does that mean bag seeds are not worth growing?
No, I’m not saying that.
Growing marijuana plants from seeds found in your weed can make sense in some cases. In others, I’d advise against it.
Let’s take a look at times when it makes sense and times when it doesn’t. Then, we’ll cover how to actually grow those seeds, to maximize your chance of success.
Are Bag Seeds Worth Growing?
If you know someone who is already growing, lucky you!
You can probably get clones from them and ensure you get a female plant. Most aren’t that lucky and have to choose between buying seeds or clones or simply using seeds from their bag of weed.
In that case, the simpler your grow setup, the more sense it makes to use bag seed.
If you’ve got a complex setup where you’re optimizing each aspect of growing (lighting, growth medium, nutrients, water, etc.) to maximize yields, it makes no sense to use bag seed.
You’re optimizing everything else for the best possible results. Why would you not optimize the seed selection as well? You know how much it costs to grow weed. Why risk wasting all that money?
In that case, I recommend an overseas seed banks. US seed banks are generally not a problem either, but there is a slightly higher risk, since growing marijuana is a federal crime. But it is highly unlikely you would get in trouble.
The Dutch seed bank I Love Growing Marijuana is our favorite, because they give you a germination guarantee. That way you know that every seed you pay for will turn into a well-yielding plant.
They have a center in the US, meaning fast shipping times. While the risk is slightly higher sending weed seeds through the mail in the US (but still very small), you get much faster shipping and generally somewhat lower prices, too.
If you do decide to buy seeds from an online seed bank, I highly recommend spending a bit more and getting feminized seeds. Or growing your own feminized seeds. Why spend all that money and risk getting male plants?
However, if you’re keeping things as simple as possible, it makes a lot less sense to spend a bunch of money on seeds. In this case, I would even go so far as to recommend bag seed, assuming your only other option is to purchase seeds.
And even though it may take a few tries, once you’ve got a great plant from your bag seed, you can then clone it. Now you no longer need to worry about the risk of wasting your time caring for male plants or hermies.
That said, you spend the same amount of effort and time to grow any weed plant, be it from bag seed or from a seed bank.
With bag seed, there is a high chance that time and effort goes to waste, so that is definitely something you need to consider carefully.
Can you afford to have a few wasted attempts, or do you want to ensure you get it right the first time?
If so, it is a good way not to waste anything in the bag. You don’t want to smoke the seeds or stems, so plant the seeds and learn what to do with weed stems. There are some great ways to not waste them.
If you do opt to go with bag seeds, here is how to ensure the best possible chance of success, while still keeping your grow simple and inexpensive (again, if you’re not keeping your grow simple and inexpensive, like a windowsill grow, you really shouldn’t be using bag seed either).
What Kind Of Bag Seeds Are Best?
A lot of people will tell you to take seeds from weed that is good. This is not bad advice, but you shouldn’t necessarily discount seeds from sub par weed.
While it is true that genetics plays a big role, a lot of sub par weed is bad not because of bad genes, but because of bad growers.
If they are growing weed with seeds in it, they are obviously not keeping male plants or hermaphrodites away from the female plants. If they can’t be bothered to do that, chances are they are providing their plants less than ideal conditions in every other aspect of the grow as well.
This leads to a lower quality harvest, even if the genetics are actually good.
Worse, the care they give the buds after harvest is almost always terrible and that has the largest impact on bud quality.
For that reason, it is worth trying seeds from a bag of low quality bud, if you don’t have any high quality bud to work with.
In terms of look, stay away from lighter colored seeds. They will also be softer. These seeds are not as well developed and the chances of success with them is much lower.
You also want to make sure the seeds are fresh and not ones that have gone bad. Cannabis seeds don’t last long, if they’re ones you found in the bottom of your baggie.
Successful Bagseed Grow: How To Maximize Your Chance Of Success
For the most part, you can follow this article on the best way to grow marijuana indoors. It keeps things nice and simple, so it is perfect for someone using bag seed.
I would make a few changes though.
The first change I’d make is to not start your seeds in actual pots. With bag seed, you’ll probably get a few that don’t germinate at all, especially if they have not been stored properly (read our article on how to store cannabis seeds). For that reason, I’d germinate in regular plastic cups.
Just fill them with regular soil (I wouldn’t waste money on anything fancy for this) and place the seeds about half an inch deep in the soil. Keep them in a dark, warm spot and keep the soil most, until they sprout.
You can also use the paper towel method (placing the seeds in between two sheets of a paper towel and keeping it dark and damp until they sprout), but I wouldn’t because of the risk of damaging a sprouted seed when moving it from the towel to a pot.
Once the seedlings grow too big for the plastic cups, move them to their first pots.
From there, you’ll have to care for them as normal, until you switch the lights to the flowering schedule. After a week or two of flowering, your plants will finally reveal their gender.
This is where you find out if you’ve wasted your time and effort, or if you’ve actually got a usable female plant on your hands. How long does it take to get to this point? Read “How Long Does It Take For Weed To Start Budding?” for all the details.
The article I linked to above (here it is again) details how to tell the difference between a male and a female plant. It also tells you to destroy the males, which you should do right away. They do not produce buds and they will pollinate the females, which leads to bud full of seeds.
The advice to keep a close watch on your female plant(s) is doubly important for seeds from a bag, since they are much more likely to become hermaphrodites.
Remove any plant that becomes a hermie immediately as well. Feel free to let it finish growing elsewhere and to harvest the bud, but keep it away from your female plants.
If you are still unsure how to tell the difference between male and female marijuana plants before flowering, read this article.
What Next? Cloning Your Most Successful Plant
You may fail to grow a successful bud-producing plant on your first attempt or two (or three), but eventually you will get a beautiful female who yields wonderful buds. When that happens, you want to make sure you build on that success.
That’s where cloning comes in.
Why try your luck with bag seeds all over again, when you now have a plant you know produces quality bud?
Cloning may seem difficult, but it is actually quite simple. And it ensures you get a new plant that is basically an exact copy of your successful one. Our article comparing clones vs seeds for growing marijuana has more.
But there is one big problem: cloning works best if you take the clones from the mother plant during the vegetative stage and at that point, you do not yet know which plant will give you great yields. You don’t even know which plants are females.
So how do you get around that?
There are two options, but I really only recommend the second one. The first, is to take clones during flowering. If you take them from the bottom part of the plant and remove all buds, they will work. Of course, this means you can’t lollipop your weed plants prior to taking the clones.
But you want to take them during the earlier part of flowering, so you won’t yet know the quality of the bud the plant produces. Clones taken during flowering also tend to exhibit unusual growth for the first week or two, but they do grow normally eventually.
Nevertheless, the chances of the clone rooting successfully are greatly increased if the clone is taken during vegging, so I recommend doing that.
However, since you do not know which plants will do well (or even which plants will be female), you have to take clones from every plant. Make sure you label them all well, so that you know exactly which clones came from which plants.
I would take the cuttings shortly before you switch to a flowering schedule. That way your mother plants should reveal their sex by the time the clones begin to form roots.
How To Clone Marijuana Plants For Best Results
To ensure the best possible chance of a clone rooting, you want to stop giving the mother nitrogen for a few days before you plan to take clones. The nitrogen tells the plant to veg instead of putting its resources into creating roots and you want it to do the opposite.
After a few days with no nitrogen, you are ready to take cuttings from the plant. Look for new branches that are around 5 to 10 inches long, with numerous nodes on them.
The lower down on the plant, the better. Branches that are closer to the roots contain more rooting hormone, which means the chance of rooting successfully is increased and the time to root is decreased.
You want to take more cuttings from each plant than you think you will need, because not all will root successfully.
Cut the branch at a 45 degree angle to increase the surface area for possible roots to form. Cutting the branch vertically in a few spots at the bottom to open it up a bit increases the chances of rooting as well.
Use a razor to cut the branches. Scissors tend to crush the branch, which is not ideal. If you use a pair of shears or scissors, make sure they are sharp enough to cut, without crushing.
Remove larger fan leaves from the cutting, so that more energy goes toward creating roots, instead of feeding those leaves.
If you have a rooting gel, you can dip the ends of your cuttings in some gel to greatly increase the chance of successful rooting (and also to speed up the formation of roots). Using a gel is not necessary, though.
When it comes to a rooting medium, you basically have three options. Rockwool, water or soil.
For your first time, I would go with water. Since you do not yet know which plants will be successful and you will thus have a ton of clones, water saves space and requires fewer items (i.e. Rockwool cubes or pots with soil).
When you are on your second grow, one where you are growing a clone of a plant you already know has been successful once, then it makes sense to get Rockwool, rooting gel, and anything else to increase your chances of success.
You will have fewer clones to deal with and you will already know that each will turn into a successful female plant. You also want to do everything you can to speed up rooting.
For now, simply put the clone in a cup of tap water, place it under a light that isn’t too strong. CFLs, T5 fluorescent, or T5 LED lights work best for clones. Stronger lights work too, if you hang them higher or are able to dial down the intensity, like with dimmable LED grow lights.
Keep the clone there for a few weeks, until it develops roots. You’ll want to change the water daily and, if possible (if you have a pH meter), keep the pH level at 5.5.
Once the roots have sprouted, place the clones in a pot with soil and grow as normal. By this time, the mother plant will hopefully have already revealed its sex.
If so, you can get rid of the clones from any male plants and only keep the females. If they have not yet revealed their sex, you’ll have to start vegging all of the clones.
Either way, as soon as a parent plant turns out to be male (or a hermie), get rid of all its clones. And later, once you see which of your female plants is producing the best buds, get rid of any clones that did not come from the best female plant.
Those are the only ones you want to move forward with.
And once those plants are ready for you to take cuttings, you will not need to take nearly as many (but you still want to take more than you think you will need) and the whole cloning process becomes much easier. You are now in a cycle where you will always have successful clones.
And that is a great place to be!
Grow Weed From Seeds In Bag: Final Thoughts
You should now know how to maximize your chances of success when growing weed from seeds in a bag of pot. Again, you are better off buying quality seeds, but if you are on a tight budget, why not.
And once you’ve got a successful plant, you’ll want to start thinking about maximizing yield size and quality. To do that, you’ll need additional equipment.
This article lists all the growing equipment you might want, if you are trying to provide your plant with the best possible conditions.
Starecase says
Spot on Stephen. Many years ago, a friend gave me a bagful of some schwag and in that bag were two seeds. That friend recommended I pitch the seeds cause “they probably aren’t very good.” I still germinated them and once they sprouted, I read like mad on how to care for them. One ended up being a male that was culled immediately. I brought the lady to full term, learned how to successfully clone, ended up with a small amount of somewhat effective bud but also learned how to keep that lineage going..
I continued to learn about improving the environment to increase the quantity – which also helped improve the quality. Once I had everything figured out, I set-up three areas – 1 area for 6 veg plants, 1 area for 6 flowering plants and 1 area for 15 clones. I kept that rotation for 5 years and netted about 12 sticky oz. every 2 months. Moving forced me to quiesce that pretty nice little set-up but grow tents allowed me to continue after that 13 year hiatus..
Regarding reputable seed banks / breeders, I have had good success with feminized strains from Barney’s Farm – currently growing their Blue Cheese ( UK Cheese and Blueberry cross ) and their Red Diesel ( N.Y. Diesel and Cali Orange Bud cross ). Each strain germinated within 5 days and in the good growing environment yielded nearly 1/2 lb when all was said and done.
Steven says
Nice! One out of two seeds is a great success rate!
Growmaster Genetics says
Some of the best and most popular strains in the world once came from bagseeds such as Chemdowg a major building block for breeders all around the world. Some of the best strains are also bred by accident. Big things that can come from such a small package just amazes me.
Anonymous says
well if you think about it,how many people grow F1 bag seeds???? and out of 30 years yes we have some kings from bag seeds,but a handful out of what millions popped every year,ibl or worked line will give you much more uniformity in flav/potency in every seed,F1 /bagseed you need to run numbers and sift throu them,someone growing 4-6 plants has much lower chance of finding keepers over worked ibl lines going to F6,do growers really want to chance all that time growing on a hopeful bagseed?????? breeders selling F1/bagseed for price worked line is a disgrace ,the same thing come up all time when people try to defend bagseeds that some best kings came out of bag seeds,ya ok but what they dont look at is how many dont,if your growing your 4 plants DONT buy bag seeds/F1 buy worked lines so every seeds gonna give you what you want,F1/F2 your gonna get undesired recessive traits
James Hutchinson says
Ever used colloidal silver . It’s not hard but it at the drug store . Spray the buds you want seeds from . You CANNOT smoke it . It turns then like a Male plant with pollen bags .if desired just spray 1 bud . Get the pollen and dust any strain you want .Seeding does not hurt potency.. all the seeds you yield are females. And you can create your own personal strain. As you get a 50/ 50 strain unless you use same strain for the procedure. If you don’t want to take the time order the pollen on line .happy growing I’m 49 years in and still learning
Codisius says
All I have ever planted were seed , since I was around 15 , we new that most the seeds were not gonna work because the farmer would harvest at first notice of the seeds ,to insure sales, and cause of that we have learned to identify, although some people think it’s not possible, but maybe it’s my cheese I mean chi, I start all my plants indoor , put the veggies and fruits out side after the last frost like them books be sayin.. and throw a couple of chronic babies, …would they be a pussy as well? Like a baby oak… hum3……., and grow same weed indoors , but the outdoor, considering unlimited root space ,is exactly like the indoor , even better some times,but I get 10ร the amount. I’m no professional , I’m only 28. But it’s all how you feed em , and expectations , + positivity, like literally, I’ve done moral tests w my family to see if the garden dies and it does … but I’ve always treated the plant as if it were any other , like a rose , like a tomato like 100 other things each time . Nitrogen and beginning potash after 5 weeks or so then potassium the rest of the cycle until flush…. And believe me seeds are important . I have my harvest , accumulated, which is too much … and my box of all diff seeds for every plant I can grab everywhere , and a shoe box of diff seeds from diff species of plant , is more valuable then 1000 lbs of the best weed, always save all seeds , always be grateful, and stay fucking awesome…-
Codisius OUT O and thanks for reading all the way , I can ramble fo ever.i love you.
Meee says
Codisius says
Oh yeah it’s usually like every 10 plants is a Male, I wish I had more pollen , like I want males and I dont get them, y’all want female seeds and you dont get them, so like I said it’s all expectations, some ass once called it law of attraction
James Hutchinson says
Order pollen on line . The black cherry is pretty good
Anonymous says
Micky says
I bought some seeds online.planted 12 and they all sprouted within 2-3 days. Now after 3 weeks 2 of them are 6 inched tall and budding. Should these little ones be doing that so soon? If not, what to do?
magnum opus says
why waste 3 month on a hopeful buy quality genetics
I breed bagseed says
Would I ever buy quality genetics? No.
Growmaster Genetics says
Increasing your genetic diversity is always a good thing, nothing wrong with using a great specimen that’s a “bag seed”. If you find an amazing phenotype why not keep it and outbreed with it. Sounds like you are on your way to breeding something special, but takes lots of attention to growth vigor, potency, terps profiles, and overall yields. Take notes and keep track of your breeding and you can do some amazing things.
Good Luck and Happy Growing ๐ฑ
I breed bagseed says
Not breeding anything special or trying to create an award winner. It merely started as a way to keep a steady supply of seed for the future. I used up my stash of โbag seedโ I had been collecting since around ’87. Times change and โbag seedโ is hard to come by these days. So I started breeding six yrs ago using male pollen from a purple male I was given as a gift a year earlier. I acquired โbag seedโ from a bud that should have been “seed” free. I mean that’s what you pay for isn’t it? I then BXed those results with the purple male. Few yrs later I added another random โbag seedโ into the mix, and this โbag seedโ contained auto genetics. What a treat that was. Now I had to learn about autos. I currently have two lines I’m working on with one line being inbred three times now. I plan on inbreeding until I find one suitable to be my A parent. Then I’m gonna do some more random โbag seedโ experiments to create a B parent.
Anonymous says
i feel bag seed 1 in 100 for good one,be better to find quality breeders using males,bring the flav forward,and potency forward with every F going to a F8 say,then you know every seed will be what breeder wanted you to experience,your gonna get a keeper in every pack,where say a shitty breeder bringin his F2 where your gonna get recessive traits and get nothing like what seed pack says,if i want a lemon a high potent pheno ,gonna take huge numbers to run f2 HUNT,AND YOU MAY NEVER FIND ANYTHING,but a good worked line will give you potent lemon with every seed cuz breeder worked his line,telling new growers to grow bag seed or inexpensive pollen chucking just sets newbies up for failure ,good stable worked line will be forgiving with newbie growers mistakes
Ricky Doll says
Does this work for anyone but me