The short answer is: any type of fluorescent light will help any type of plant grow, whether it is cannabis or lettuce or orchids.
But it’s not quite so simple.
While you can use any type of tube or bulb and see results, you want to provide the kind of light your plants want most.
That’s how you get the best results.
So what type of light do your plants need?
That depends on a few things.
- Are they plants that flower (like marijuana) or ones that don’t?
- If they flower, they need different type of light depending on their current stage of growth, so you’ll need to take that into account
- Are they already getting some natural light or will they be growing under artificial light only?
Fluorescent Growing Lights: CFL or T5 Tubes?
Before we get into the specifics on the types of bulbs or tubes, let’s first decide whether we want to go with fluorescent tube lighting or with compact fluorescent bulbs.
The answer is simple.
If you’ve got a very small garden, CFL bulbs (pictured at the beginning of the article) make the most sense.
If your garden is large enough to warrant a larger T5 or T8 tube fixture, go with that. And perhaps supplement the light with a few CFLs, especially for plants with high light requirements, like weed.
As for which bulbs to get, it doesn’t matter with CFL bulbs. You can just get any standard bulb from your local Home Depot or Walmart or order online (if you’re unsure about the correct color temperature, I cover that below).
Amazon has a bunch of CFL bulbs, too.
There is no need to get a specialized (and overpriced) grow bulb. They’re basically the same thing. It’s just a way to get more of your money.
For T5 fixtures, I recommend the Agrobrite line from Hydrofarm (pictured above). We reviewed them here, but the quick summary is that they cost about the same as most no-name fixtures from China, but work far, far better.
You can use regular fluorescent bulbs from any local store, but for larger fixtures like this, it make more sense to buy from a company specializing in horticultural lighting. And Hydrofarm is the biggest name there is.
Now, let’s take the first question from above and tackle plants that flower and those that don’t separately.
The second and third questions will be answered naturally as we go along.
What Fluorescent Bulbs For Growing Flowering Plants (Marijuana, Tomatoes, Etc)?
Flowering plants, like cannabis, need more and different light than non-flowering plants. But only during the latter stages of growth.
In the beginning, flowering plants need the same light as non-flowering plants. When they are seedlings and when they are growing (vegging), they need light that contains more blue than at other times. This is also often referred to as ‘cold light’. It is the kind of light our sun gives off naturally during daylight hours.
When the plants have grown enough to begin fruiting or flowering, they need more light than before and they prefer a warmer light, i.e. light that contains more red.
So if you are growing tomatoes indoors with artificial light (or cannabis, of course), how can you give them the light they need with fluorescent bulbs?
By using bulbs with varying color temperatures.
During the seeding and vegging stages, we want to use bulbs labeled ‘cool white’ or ‘daylight’. They will have a color temperature (usually indicated on the package) in the range of 6000K to 6500K, like these.
During flowering, ‘warm white’ bulbs are ideal, with a color temperature of 2700K to 3500K. These bulbs are good.
It might seem like a hassle to change bulbs when it is time to go from vegging to flowering, but it’s really only a big deal if you have a very large garden with a lot of lights.
And if that is the case, you should not be using fluorescent lighting anyway, as the disadvantages outweigh the advantages once a grow gets too large. Our article comparing T5 grow lights vs LED has more on this, too.
However, if you just don’t want to bother with having to change the bulbs, you can get lights with a color temperature in the middle, somewhere around 5000K.
These bulbs will work fine for all stages of growth. In reality, any bulb will work for any stage, but using bulbs that provide the right kind of light yields much better results.
In most cases, you will want to supplement the light you use during vegging with some additional bulbs. Personally, I just hang a few CFL bulbs (warm light) here and there to add some more output and really stimulate flower and bud production. If you are unsure how many CFLs you need, this article will help.
What Kind of Fluorescent Bulbs For Plants That Don’t Flower?
If you are growing plants that don’t flower, like cacti, herbs, lettuce, etc. then you do not need to worry about providing warmer light during flowering.
You just need to get some ‘cool white’ or ‘daylight’ bulbs and use them all the time. No need to switch lights. This article reviews the best T5 bulbs for vegging.
If you need some more ideas for non-flowering plants, read this article on the best vegetables to grow indoors under lights. It lists a few of them.
If you are growing flowering plants, even succulents, a LED light might be a better choice. You pay more upfront, but you save more int he long run. We have an article on how to use LED grow lights for succulents.
Best Fluorescent Grow Lights
Let’s quickly summarize which fluorescent lamps are best, whether you are interested in getting CFLs or T5 lights.
As mentioned above, when it comes to compact fluorescent lamps, I would not worry about getting a dedicated grow bulb. They cost a lot more, but are basically the same as a regular CFL bulb.
As for which brands are best, follow the links provided above to see my recommended bulbs for each color temperature. I like those lamps, because they offer the best value for money.
Amazon will also show you other options, so you can easily see some alternatives and do a quick comparison for yourself, if you don’t like my recommendations.
When it comes to T5 lights, I always recommend the AgroBrite fixtures from Hydrofarm. Check out my AgroBrite review to see why I prefer these lights.
If they don’t have a fixture in the size you need, or if you only need bulbs, this post reviews and compares the top T5 tubes on the market.
Update: while I still love fluorescent light for growing cannabis and other plants, these days I tend to recommend T5 LED lights instead. They are basically exactly the same as a T5 fluorescent light, but they run cooler and use less power. They also last much longer.
They do cost more, but end up paying for themselves within a year, since they cost less to run and you don’t have to replace them for many years.
What Kind Of Fluorescent Lights To Grow Plants: Final Thoughts
The most important information to take from this article is that you want cooler white light for growing (5000K to 6500K) and warmer white light for flowering (2700K to 3500K). If you want to use a single bulb for everything, 5000K works well.
That said, we recommend warmer light over cooler. Flowering is more important, so we recommend putting your eggs in that basket and going with a 3500K or 3000K bulb, even if you are using it for all stages. However, since these bulbs do not cost much, you might as well get separate vegging bulbs.
Mike anderson says
How do you discard these bulbs
Steven says
You can generally take CFLs to a Home Depot, Lowe’s or similar store. OR just take it to a recycling center. T5 bulbs will usually have to go to a recycling center, but maybe some stores will take them, too.
Byl Butler says
SIGNS of the TIMES… as generations become the masses, their influence will be noticeable in every part of life, including the media ( especially the media – the biggest sale influence in the market). With that said, the Point IS about the ARTICLE we have just read. Anyone noticed that the highlighted title (by virtue of heading more of the paragraphs than the other important paragraphs), which get due justice. As a matter of fact, the article is a good and informative one. This post is certainly no judgement call about ANYTHING! Just making a point that in today’s non-illegal sphere of legalized mary jane syndrome, it stands to reason for the media to use it for hype, ratings etc. In hopes of attracting – perhaps- a large audience.
Just Say’ng… B B
Steven says
Portia says
LOL, a stoner speaks!!
Steven says
I think you’ve nailed it…
Anonymous says
What the f*** are you trying to ARTICULATE? It seems like you were trying to give the intellectual critique, or sound like it, but it just came out as babbling. And your parentheses being mislocated and improperly and unnecessarily used made it worse.
Not normally a dick but,…..huh?
Anonymous says
LMAO !!! ๐
Anonymous says
What is this BS. Are you lonely or just a moron?
BS Ltd. says
WTF? Is Tommy Chong using a pen name?
Sherry says
Your right..the putting weed, and being first stated does grab attention, I was shocked, then remembered it’s legal to buy and grow in some states. I worked in Dr. Office where patients had surprise testing. I saw many patients get dismissed as patients. It was a pain clinic and the doctors had zero tolerance policy. I also, thought this could have also been his way of notifying potential customers of his main crop, we can second guess the authors motivation, but bottom line is who cares he gave info I was seeking about bulbs, not his mom, not his girlfriend, wife or probation officer so basically he’s done the research, many of us benefit from reading about bulbs..anything deeper none of mine or any other gardeners business…I take the LED bulb advice and grow flowers and vegetables…lol don’t we all have opinions? Live and let live and grow what makes you happy..lol…if not illegal and me an old woman I might bake some brownies…lol…wish people just learned to take care of their own lives and we all stopped trying to police up everyone else..Nice is free..and don’t even need grow bulbs for nice to multiply and grow…thanks dude for the research you’ve done on bulbs..(smile and pass the smile iaround..)
Myra Goodner says
Agreed Sherry. I was only interested in bulbs . . . and the article answered my question, which made it an informative article form.
Russell Bruce Snodgrass says
Exactly, huh?
Rose says
And what did just you sayโฆ. Apparently too deep for me. You might want to think about โstepping away from the MJโ
Just saying.
Michel Joseph Cardin says
Well said and it certainly does apply to all of aspects; only works on people like the those other ones that have commented; unless they themselves are part of this very hype here(assuming that it is in fact one). Since I have not read it and do not understand enough about the subject; I cannot have an opinion on whether or not it was as such. Cheers and if you all didn’t understand what he’s meant by his comment; that would mean that you are either not smart enough or purposely not understanding; selectively.
S toner says
I just stopped by to say hi. Not bc I’m high…but Imabout2b โ
Anonymous says
Need to be if your reading this thread.
lazereyes says
lmao im fucking done
Jim says
I’m asking about neon light, like a beer sign. I don’t know if that’s considered a fluorescent light or not, but will it stimulate growth in house hold plants?
Steven says
Any light can, but I doubt neon lights are powerful enough to have much effect. The spectrum is probably far from ideal as well.
Edgar Allan Pow says
Hi Cheers
Thanks for this article. Very useful and honest.
I moved to another apartment where the sun light is weak so this enlightened my doubts.
I will check those other articles .
Thanks man
Tulsi says
Hey there thanks for the article. Very friendly.
Does the watts affects or just with the temperature is fine?
I friend of mine recommended for the vegging stage to use a CFL bulb 5500K and 85watts.
Steven says
I’m not totally sure what you’re asking, but a higher wattage bulb will emit more heat.
Tulsi says
So the wattage is just going to affect the heat. I assume that is better to keep it fresh to avoid overheating on the plant right ?
My question is if is the wattage is a fact to consider since you can find many options. And you were very specific on your recommendation I think you mentioned like 35watts or something ?
Steven says
I’m not sure what you mean by “keep it fresh.”
35 watts per square foot is a good number to shoot for.
Russell Bruce Snodgrass says
I do like pot, but this thread certainly does show the effects of marijuana use. You thought people didn’t make a lot sense straight, wait’ll they all start smoking too much of this one-hit wonder.
Everyone walking around in their very own separated reality, listening to their own personal sound track, thinking their own personally skewed thoughts should be shared, believing their own fragmented view of the world should be witnessed too, and yet trying desperately to connect and span a gap they willing participated in creating.
We don’t need anymore walls! But I’ll tell you a few more bridges would sure help.
MT says
Amen to that!
translate says
This is an interesting topic! I’m curious to learn more about the specific types of fluorescent lights that are best for growing plants, including weeds. Can you provide some recommendations or tips on which lights work best and why?